Janet Mefferd
Janet Mefferd Today
06 - 12 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Joel Beeke (Satan) Stephen Turley (Fulfilling Life)

06 - 12 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Joel Beeke (Satan) Stephen Turley (Fulfilling Life)

Every Christian is in a battle that is fierce, spiritual, and necessary between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. What do we need to know about our enemy – his strategies, his weaknesses and his defeat at Calvary? On the next JANET MEFFERD TODAY, Dr. Joel Beeke joins me to talk about it and his book, FIGHTING SATAN. PLUS: How can the recovery of transcendent values like truth, goodness and beauty in education help human beings to flourish? Dr. Stephen Turley will join me to talk about it and his book, “Awakening Wonder.” That and much more on Friday’s JANET MEFFERD TODAY!