Janet Mefferd
Janet Mefferd Today
07 - 06 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - George Carneal (Leaving Homosexuality) Abdu Murray (Truth)

07 - 06 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - George Carneal (Leaving Homosexuality) Abdu Murray (Truth)

Is it possible for anyone to leave homosexuality behind and find freedom in Jesus Christ? It is indeed, but we don't often hear from the real people who experienced the lifestyle firsthand and left it behind to follow the Lord. George Carneal was enmeshed in homosexuality for 25 years and will join me to tell his story of Christian transformation as we discuss his book, "From Queer to Christ: My Journey Into the Light." Plus: How do proclaim Jesus in a culture of confusion? I'll talk about it with Abdu Murray, North America director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and author of "Saving Truth: Finding Meaning and Clarity in a Post-Truth World." That's next time on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.